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Having poor quality sleep or constantly disrupted sleep can trigger a cascade effect on our hormones. Once this downhill spiral starts it then can affect nearly every function in our body, including our metabolism. In order to truly improve your metabolism goals, whether it’s to increase or even decrease, you must take a look at your current quality of sleep and make it a priority to allow yourself the rest your body needs and you deserve!

Take a moment to reflect on your current quality of sleep.

Think of several factors such as:

- how easily do you fall asleep?

- how long do you stay asleep?

- do you stay up for long hours when woken up?

- do you want to sleep all day long?

- do you suffer from insomnia?

Many of these issues will directly correlate to your metabolism and will need some improvement! We will be working on several categories throughout this challenge that might also be factors in why sleep is a challenge for you, so hang in there!

For today’s challenge, comment a GIF that describes your current nightly sleep. How would you rate your personal sleep on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst)?

*Bonus* if you have access to a sleep tracker, keep a record of your sleep patterns each night during this challenge so you can see how much you improve!